The Impact of the use of Inter-organizational Information Systems on the Customer-Supplier Relationship: Variable Operationalization and Testing

Publié le : 04/06/2024

BENRREZZOUQ Rhizlane (Professor of Higher Education) National school of Management of Oujda Mohammed the 1st University, Morocco

BENRREZZOUQ Rhizlaneoujda.png (Professor of Higher Education) National school of Management of Oujda Mohammed the 1st University, Morocco 

KETTANI HASSANI Jaafar (PhD Researcher)tanger.jpeg
National school of Management of Tangier Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco

KETTANI HASSANI Jaafar (PhD Researcher) tanger.jpegNational school of Management of Tangier Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco


The emergence of new information and communication technologies (ICT) during the 1960s has revolutionized the world. These continuously evolving tools, taking various forms, contribute to changes in both our personal and professional lives.

Indeed, information systems are a tangible manifestation of the implementation of ICT within companies. These technologies, which are increasingly debated among researchers, will be the focus of our study as we advance a rather specific type of these tools. In this regard, our research will discuss the impact of inter-organizational information systems represented by CPFR (Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment) on the customer-supplier relationship identified by the Peak Collaborative Index (PCI).

Our work will serve as an attempt to operationalize our research variables and test the items of our measurement instrument through an exploratory factorial study using principal component analysis.

Key words: Information and communication technologies (ICT); the customer-supplier relationship; Peak Collaborative Index (PCI); Principal component analysis (PCA)


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